Rhino 7 Free for all Users (with universal 7 patch)
Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware.
Special features include:
Uninhibited free-form 3D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times more. Model any shape you can imagine.
Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.
Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software.
Read and repair meshes and extremely challenging IGES files.
Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer. No special hardware is needed.
Development platform for hundreds of specialty 3D products.
Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve. Affordable purchase price. No maintenance fees.
- Subdivision Surfaces
- BlendSrf- New Refine checkbox avoids creating a simpler blend surface
- Revolve- Ends of the revolving axis can be attached to objects using object snaps when History is recorded.
- MatchSrf– History locking allows editing control points of matched surfaces.
- DupBorder: Added History support
- FilletSrfnow has a G2 option.
- Curve Surface Intersections – improves results for trims, splits, and booleans. Also in our testing results can be 4x faster in some cases.
- Named Selections 607
- Changed the spacing of control points in BlendEdge based on customer feedback.
- Boolean Operations – Have been improved to union, subtract or intersect coplanar surfaces.
Mesh Tools
- Quad Remesh
- Mesh Intersections 605
- MeshSelfIntersect – New command
- EdgeContinuity Uses line hairs to visualize distance, tangency, and curvature between an edge pair.
- PointDeviation: Added Maximum distance and minimum distance statistics
- Clash Detection 1.3k- a new Grasshopper component
- Display performance improvements for nested blocks, annotation, and detail viewports
- Rendered Display mode captures more lighting in a realtime working mode.
- Viewports and Rhino Render now use the same rendering settings.
Rendering and Presentation
- Rendering Improvements (Rhino Render) 401
- New Rhino Render (Cycles) – Modern progressive rendering technology including advanced usage of both the CPU and GPU hardware.
- Cuda, OpenCL and
- Embree 345libraries
- Light Falloff
- Clipping Plane support
- Filmic Tone Mapping
- Plugin extendable Post-effects, tone mapping, and final image filters.
- Denoicers supported
- PBR Materials 713- Forum discussion 119
- LayerBook 1.1k
Drafting and Printing
- Layout Panel 562- new panel for layout management
- Text Field Enhancements
- Block Attributes 154
- Gradient and Transparent Hatches 266
- New Grasshopper components for hatching
- Display Color Transparency on objects and by layer
Digital Fabrication
- Single Stroke (Engraving) Fonts – detected in text and properly output in vector format
- Mold Making improvements
- Draft Curve for split lines
- RibbonOffset
- Straighten Sections in Blend Command added.
Development Tools
- Compute 1.4k
- RhinoCommon additions
- File import/export support
- Inside CPython 578
- rhino3dm (python, web assembly, and .NET) 339
- Grasshopper improvements
- New Clash Detection 1.3kcomponent
- New Hatch components
- Placeholder objects for unknown components 238.
- Grasshopper inside other environments through Rhino.Inside.
- Grasshopper solver online through Compute servers 1.4k.
- GrasshopperPlayer and grasshopper based native Rhino commands
- Package Manager installs missing components without a restart.
Rhino.Inside Revit
File Format updates
- 3DS/FBX Import – New Open/Import meshes as SubD surfaces option.
- CSV Export – Supports exporting group names and indexes.
- DGN import – Updated to use OpenDesign 20.8.
- DWG/DXF – Attribute User Text and ACAD xData can be exchanged.
- DWG/DXF Import – Supports reading gradient patterns as gradient hatches.
- DWG/DXF Export – Supports writing gradient hatches as gradient patterns.
- DWG/DXF – The Open command disables Layout space scaling.
- DWG – Imports block descriptions.
- GES Export – Supports SubD.
- FBX/3DS Export – New Export lights and Export views options.
- FBX/3DS Import – New Import lights, Import cameras, and Prompt to scale on import options.
- OBJ Export – Convert SubD surfaces or control nets into meshes.
- OBJ Export – New Use display color for objects with no material set checkbox.
- PDF Export – Supports Layers.
- SOLIDWORKS import: Supports up to version 2020.
- STEP Import/Export – Supports per-face colors.
- STEP Import – Added progress report during parsing STEP files
- STEP Export – Supports SubD.
- SVG Export – Supports exporting transparent objects.
- VRML Import/Export – Supports PointClouds (PointSets in VRML).
- Package Manager
- Co-shipping Win/Mac
LIONEL DURAND (verified owner) –
Hello, the latest version of visualarq 2.11.2 does not work with Rhino 7.1.20299.23101 and it is not possible to download version 2.9 from their site.
The alternative would be to update the version of rhino 7 found on your site.
But downloading the update from the official website (Rhino), that too doesn’t work either.
admin (verified owner) –
new version updated
LIONEL DURAND (verified owner) –
The universal patch does not work for rhino 7 updates, only the version offered on your site works correctly.
Visualarq 2.11.3 requires the update (at least “sr4”) therefore not compatible with the version that can be downloaded from your site and for which updates are not possible.
Can you make the latest version of rhino 7 available for download?
Rhino 6 and visualarq are compatible and updates work but there are often bug and stability issues.
I dream of being able to make fairly recent and compatible versions of rhino 7 visualarq and landsdesign work together.
Do you know landsdesign and do you think you will make it available for download?
Thanking you.
Lionel (verified owner) –
hello, i’m looking for rhino 8 with the ability to update like you did for rhino 7.
do you plan to make version 8 available?
thank you